Taci Villarreal
Taci Villarreal’s practice focuses primarily on mass tort litigation. Taci is passionate about holding corporations accountable for their actions, this is why she joined the Trammell PC team. Working one on one with clients is what Taci enjoys the most about her work. Hearing the clients’ personal stories helps to fuel Taci’s drive to fight for each and every Trammell PC client.
Taci is part of a team that represents a large number of clients against corporations such as Bayer, Monsanto, and Johnson & Johnson. Taci has considerable experience in aspects of complex liability litigation, including fact development, defending depositions, discovery including drafting motions and responding to written discovery, and preparing fact witnesses for depositions. Taci’s advocacy for Trammell PC’s clients does not rest, she has worked on multiple cases that have had multimillion-dollar settlements. Currently, Taci is lending her talents to the Trammell PC litigation machine as we gear up to fight for our clients who have been harmed by Roundup.
Taci’s passion for helping those in need extends beyond her work at Trammell PC. Taci is very passionate about volunteering with programs centered around senior citizens. On any given weekend Taci can be found taking lunch to or coordinating activities for her local nursing home.
Education and Admissions
- University of Texas at Austin, BA 2015
- South Texas College of Law, J.D Cum Laude, 2020
- South Texas Law Review, Assistant Executive Editor
- Dean’s List
- Phi Delta Phi Legal Honor Society
- Presidential Fellows Member
- Langdell Scholar
- Dean’s Scholarship Award
- State Bar of Texas
Education and Admissions
- Contributed to, Kindling the Fire: The Call for Incorporating Mandatory Mentoring Programs for Junior Lawyers and Law Students Nationwide. Saint Louis University Law Journal (2019).
- Connecting Ethics & Practice: A Lawyers Guide to Professional Responsibility. Wolter Kluwer (2019).
- The Voice of the Gods is Crippling: Law School for Helicoptered Millennials. St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice & Ethics (2020).